Mapping your domain name to your Hosting Package
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Now that you’ve got your domain and hosting from us, you will need to map your domain name to your hosting package. So, let’s get started: 

  1. Login to your account
  2. You will now see a page with all purchases made by you on our system
  3. Click on the <domain name>where your hosting plan name is mentioned next to it
  4. Click on “Name Server Details” under the Hosting package that you’ve purchased
  5. This will open a pop-up window. Copy the 2 name servers that you see on a notepad
  6. Now scroll up to the Domain Registration Over here click on “Name Servers”
  7. Replace the existing name servers with the ones, you noted earlier and click on Update Name Servers button
  8. That’s it. You’ve just mapped your domain name to point to your brand-new hosting package. It could take anywhere between 24-72 hrs for your website to be functional due to DNS Propagation

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