Open Ports on your Shared Hosting Package
Drucken- 0
Due to security reasons, we limit the number of ports allowed on your shared hosting packages. This is done so as to avoid outbound attacks on external servers.
We have the following list of ports open on our shared hosting plans:
Linux Hosting Plans:
HTTP/HTTPS - 80/443 |
TOMCAT - 8080 |
DNS - 53 |
GMail - 465/587/995/993 |
MYSQL - 3306 |
7070 |
SMTP/IMAP/POP - 25/143/110 |
5432 |
CPANEL - 2082/2086 |
WHOIS - 43 |
Windows Hosting Plans:
FTP - 20/21/5500-5550 |
MSSQL - 1433 |
GMail - 465/587/995/993 |
MYSQL - 3306 |
HTTP/HTTPS - 80/443 |
DNS - 53 |
MAIL - 25/143/110 |
WHOIS - 43 |